Boxing Day 2021
Boxing Day 2021
Click and Grow - Basil Refill
Description Grow fresh Basil in your indoor herb garden! Basil is often called the king of herbs for a reason. It is a great source of vitamin A, grows easily and adds flavour to everything from pizza to pasta to...
Click and Grow - Smart Garden 3
Description Experience all the benefits of having your own garden, no matter where you live. The Click & Grow indoor garden works just like a capsule coffee machine, but for plants. Instead of coffee pods, we offer biodegradable plant pods that have...
Click and Grow - Lavender Refill
Description Grow aromatic lavender at home! A member of the mint family, lavender has aroma so fantastic, you'll want to break out in song Sound-of-Music-style. Lavender's oil is known to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Use your lavender in baked...
Click and Grow - Peppermint Refill
Description Peppermint is the MacGyver of the herb world, useful in everything from dessert, to tea, to soup, to meat marinade, and more. Peppermint's refreshing leaves are said to have calming and purifying properties. It’s also a great source of...
Click and Grow - Experimental Refill
Description Grow any plant at home! The Experimental Plant Capsule contains an advanced version of our Smart Soil that will boost the sprouting and growth of any plant you want to experiment with, all you have to do is just...
Click and Grow - Thyme Refill
Description Grow fresh Thyme at home! Thyme is one of the best herbs for adding zest to meat, fish, marinades, mushrooms, eggs, beans, potatoes - okay, we'll stop there. This vitamin-rich herb keeps its flavor even when heated. Thyme is...
Click and Grow - Arugula Refill
Description Grow fresh Arugula in your indoor herb garden! Arugula is an aromatic, peppery-flavored salad green. Also known as rocket, roquette, rugula and rucola, this green is beyond popular in Italian cuisine. And it's super healthy! Many studies have suggested...
Willie's Cacao - Champagne Truffles
Description Soft, nutty, single estate dark chocolate gently entwines with smooth Marc de Champagne and freshly roasted hazelnuts. They make everything themselves, not just the nutty Sur del Lago chocolate. They roast the hazelnuts to capture their flavour at its freshly...
Click and Grow - Curly Parsley Refill
Description Grow fresh Parsley at home! Parsley is actually the world's most popular herb. It has incredible nutritional properties; it's packed with vitamins C, B, 12, K, and A. Parsley is even said to help arthritis and heart-related problems. Use...