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On the Blog

On the Blog

By: Andrea Tomkins

At the beginning of the pandemic I actually thought I’d have more time. (Where on earth did I get that idea?) Time to experiment with sourdough! Time to spend in our garden! Time to learn to play tennis! Guess how many of those things actually happened? Zero. None of those things happened.    

And now, the holidays are approaching. I’ve also run out of time to teach myself a Christmas ditty on the ukulele, learn to knit, or make my own candles. I am ok with this (really), but I have been spending some time thinking about what kind of gifts I want to give this year.

I’ve written a lot about the importance of shopping closer to home, and I will say this, it’s more critical than ever and I know a lot of you feel the same way.

By: Monique Labelle-Wheeler

It’s that time of the year! Christmas is just around the corner and many of us are busy brainstorming gift ideas for family and friends. As someone trying to live a zero waste lifestyle, I think about how I will be wrapping my gifts as sustainably as possible.

On the Blog

By: Monique Labelle-Wheeler

It’s that time of the year! Christmas is just around the corner and many of us are busy brainstorming gift ideas for family and friends. As someone trying to live a zero waste lifestyle, I think about how I will be wrapping my gifts as sustainably as possible.

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